Elastic IPs#

In K2 Cloud, instance network interfaces have Private IP in the internal virtual network, which is required for proper operation in the network infrastructure. Private IP is allocated automatically when the interface is created, and cannot be changed.

To ensure access to the instance from the outside, associate an Elastic IP (external address) to its network interface.

K2 Cloud provides public Elastic IP addresses, but you can also register your own provider-independent IPv4 address blocks (and make K2 Cloud responsible for broadcasting BGP routes) and use them in your projects:

  • operating with high reputation IP addresses (for email services);

  • simplifying the migration to the Cloud — when there are a lot of access lists containing specific address block;

  • problem prevention when government agencies block cloud provider subnets;

  • support of devices with certain IPs hardcoded in it;

  • compliance of different regulations;

  • saving the money — you don’t pay for using your own IP addresses.

If an instance does not need external access, then the Elastic IP may be deleted.

Allocating Elastic IP#

When allocating Elastic IP, you will be suggested to choose an IP address pool from which the Elastic IP address will be allocated.

  • By default — the Elastic IP address range provisioned by K2 Cloud.


    If an allocated Elastic IP has not been used for two months (was not assigned to a network interface), then it will be automatically deleted. After the IP address is deleted, there is no guarantee that the same Elastic IP will be allocated next time.

  • Your own address pool — The pool of IPv4 addresses of your organization in a registered range.


    This pool is available if you have registered your one or more provider-independent range of addresses (see Provisioning an IP address range). Unlike the K2 Cloud pool, you can specify a specific IP address, otherwise a free random address from your pool will be allocated.

To allocate an Elastic IP:

  1. Go to Virtual machines Networking Elastic IPs.

  2. Click Allocate Elastic IP.

  3. In the dialog window:

    • Specify the Name tag for the allocated IP address (optional).

    • Select the address pool from which the IP address will be allocated.

    • Specify which IP address to allocate from the available range (for the custom address pool only).

  4. If you want to specify additional tags, click Add tags to go to the next step. If the Name tag was not specified in the previous step, set its value by clicking Add Name tag. To assign an arbitrary tag, click Add tag. Specify the tag key and its value.

  5. Once all parameters are set, click Allocate.

Elastic IP association#

You can associate an unused Elastic IP address with an instance network interface in any VPC.

  1. Go to Virtual machines Networking Elastic IPs.

  2. Select the IP address from the resource table and click Associate.

  3. In the window that opens, select whether you want to associate Elastic IP with an instance or network interface. From the drop-down list, select the resource with which the Elastic IP address will be associated.


    When you select an instance, the Elastic IP associated will be associated with its primary network interface.

  4. Click Associate to complete the operation.


    Once the Elastic IP is associated, the network interface becomes available at the specified address within a minute.

Elastic IP can also be associated on its page in the Information tab.

Elastic IP disassociation#

Elastic IP can be disassociated only if it is associated with any resource (otherwise the button will be inactive). Once the Elastic IP address has been disassociated, it can be re-associated with an instance network interface or deleted.

To disassociate Elastic IP:

  1. Go to Virtual machines Networking Elastic IPs.

  2. Select the associated IP address from the resource table and click Disassociate.

  3. In the dialog window, confirm the action.

Elastic IP can also be disassociated on its page in the Information tab.

Provisioning an IP address range#

You can send a request to register your own provider-independent block of IPv4 addresses to the K2 Cloud support directly from the web interface. If necessary, our specialist will contact you to get more details. Once IP addresses are registered, you will receive a notification to the specified e-mail address. You can also check the registration status, for example, using the API method DescribeByoipCidrs. The address block status should change from pending-provision to advertised.

  1. Go to Virtual machines Networking Elastic IPs.

  2. Click Provision IP range.

  3. In the new window, enter the IPv4 address range in CIDR notation. Provide additional relevant information in the Description field.

  4. Click Submit request.


To deprovision IP address range, contact K2 Cloud support or use the API method DeprovisionByoipCidr.

Assigning tags#

To add, modify or delete tags for Elastic IP:

  1. Go to Virtual machines Networking Elastic IPs.

  2. In the resource table, find the Elastic IP for which tags should be modified and click on the Elastic IP’s ID to go to its page.

  3. Open the Tags tab.

  4. To add a tag, click Add tag and specify the Key and Value fields.

    To modify a tag, edit the required fields (Value and/or Key) of the respective tag.

    To delete a tag, click the icon next to the tag you no longer need.


    If no tags have been set earlier, you can add the Name tag by clicking Add Name tag and specifying its value.

  5. Click Apply to save the changes.

You can also modify the Name tag in the Information tab by editing the corresponding field.

Deleting an Elastic IP#

Both associated and disassociated Elastic IPs can be deleted.

  1. Go to Virtual machines Networking Elastic IPs.

  2. In the resource table, select IP address and click Delete.

  3. In the dialog window, confirm the action.

Elastic IP can also be deleted on its page in the Information tab.

Elastic IP information#

You can view information about allocated Elastic IP addresses in the resource table in Virtual Machines Network Elastic IP. To view information about a specific Elastic IP, select one and click its ID to go to the Elastic IP page.

The Information tab provides the following information:

  • Name tag;

  • Elastic IP address;

  • instance with which it is associated;

  • network interface with which it is associated;

  • private IP address of a network interface.

On this page you can also associate, disassociate, and delete Elastic IP and change tags.