
December 4#


  • Renaming virtualization types:

    • kvm-virtio with the VirtIO device support is renamed hvm (default type);

    • kvm-legacy without VirtIO device support is renamed hvm-legacy.

  • In addition to ID search, the cloud console now supports searching by main fields for resources from the following sections: Virtual Machines, Network, and Access and Security. When entering a keyword, the search is performed by all fields simultaneously.

  • The minimum st2 volume size for Kubernetes master nodes is increased to 64 GiB.

  • Resource tables on the resource pages are automatically resized in the web interface depending on the browser window height. A scrollbar is added for ease of viewing.

  • Resource descriptions are added to all drop-down lists.



  • Volumes are checked for existence when tags are assigned to the instance being created.

  • Network interfaces are counted correctly when subnets and virtual switches are deleted.

December 10#


  • The instance table is searched only after pressing Enter.


  • Overlaps are eliminated when context menus and editable fields are opened.

  • An instance can be created even if there is no subnet in the VPC.

December 15#


  • S3 User ID and S3 Project Email data is added to the project table and project page in the IAM section of the web interface.

  • On the user profile page, a list of projects is displayed as a table with the ID, Description, S3 User ID, and S3 Project Email fields.

  • S3 Project Email is used as a project ID to delimit access rights to objects in a bucket via ACL.

  • In the security group page of the web interface, information about network interfaces is displayed instead of information about instances.

  • The Source field displays the security group’s name if it is specified in an incoming or outgoing rule.



  • Objects larger than 4 GiB in a bucket are not duplicated when they are renamed.

  • A user with a weak password cannot be created.

  • A request to remove an instance from a placement group is handled properly, even if the instance is not included in any placement group.

  • A Kubernetes cluster is correctly deleted when any cluster resources were previously deleted manually.

  • Links to documentation in VPN connection settings are corrected.

December 17#


  • The instance wizard now has a new step, Instance Type, where you can use filters to quickly select instances by processor family and generation, number of vCPU cores, and RAM size.

  • The cluster creation wizard now has a new step User data. User data can describe operations to be performed when cluster nodes are created, such as installing packages, creating or modifying files, and running shell scripts. The specified operations are performed automatically.


  • The display of Name tags at the first cloud console login is restored in the volume and instance tables.