
17 January#


  • When creating an Auto Scaling Group, you can now select subnets in different availability zones to place instances. Instances added to the group are evenly distributed among them.

  • To log in to the cloud, you can use an external Identity Provider (IdP) like Microsoft Active Directory Federation Service (AD FS).

  • When creating a VPN connection, you can now enable or disable Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) for tunnels.

  • Security group and ACL rules can now be sorted by any field.


  • It is prohibited to create VPN connections from the same VPC to customer VPN gateways of different types with the same IP addresses.

31 January#


  • You can schedule PostgreSQL and MySQL backups. You can use backups to quickly restore the required database as of the certain date.

  • The Databases service now supports MySQL Community Edition v.5.7 and v.8.0, as well as MariaDB provider v.10.7.