In this article:
Request to get the list of Elastic Load Balancers (ELB).
Request Parameters#
LoadBalancerArns.N — List of Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of load balancers.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
Constraints: Cannot be used with the Names option
Marker — The NextMarker value from the previous call (see Response Elements).
Type: String
Required: No
Names.N — ELB names.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
Constraints: Cannot be used with the LoadBalancerArns option
PageSize — The limit on the number of returned ELBs.
Type: Integer
Required: No
Default value:
Maximum value:
Response Elements#
LoadBalancers.N — Information about load balancers.
Type: List of LoadBalancer objects
NextMarker — NextMarker is only returned after failure to return the list of all ELBs meeting the specified criteria. To continue data output, the received value must be passed in the Marker parameter in the repeated request.
Type: String
c2-elb DescribeLoadBalancers
c2-elb DescribeLoadBalancers LoadBalancerArns.1 "elb_arn"
c2-elb DescribeLoadBalancers Names.1 "elbname"