In this article:
Instance network interfaces specification.
AssociatePublicIpAddress (request), associatePublicIpAddress (response) — Associate a public IP address.
The address will be associated when the instance is created in a VPC and there are available allocated Elastic IP addresses.
The address can be assigned only when creating a new interface, while using an existing one, such an operation is not available.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
DeleteOnTermination (request), deleteOnTermination (response) — Delete with the instance.
, network interface will be deleted with the instance. It cannot be specified along with NetworkInterfaceId.Type: Boolean
Required: No
Description (request), description (response) — The description of a new network interface.
Can’t be specified with NetworkInterfaceId.
Type: String
Required: No
DeviceIndex (request), deviceIndex (response) — The device index.
Interface position in connection order. The basic interface has a unit index
. This is a mandatory parameter when using the specification of the network interfaces.Type: Integer
Required: No
NetworkInterfaceId (request), networkInterfaceId (response) — The network interface ID.
It is necessary to specify the interfaces created beforehand to use them.
Type: String
Required: No
PrivateIpAddress (request), privateIpAddress (response) — The private IP address of the network interface.
Can’t be specified with NetworkInterfaceId. Can’t be specified when creating several instances (MaxCount) with on request.
Type: String
Required: No
PrivateIpAddresses (request), privateIpAddressesSet (response) — The private IP addresses of the network interface.
Currently, only specifying the primary private IP address is supported. Can’t be specified with NetworkInterfaceId. Can’t be specified when creating several instances (MaxCount) with on request.
Type: List of PrivateIpAddressSpecification objects
Required: No
SecurityGroupId (request), SecurityGroupId (response) — Network interface security groups.
Can’t be specified with NetworkInterfaceId.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
SubnetId (request), subnetId (response) — The subnet ID.
Can’t be specified with NetworkInterfaceId.
Type: String
Required: No