External networks#

General information#

You can colocate your equipment in any data center where K2 Cloud is deployed or lease a third-party communication channel and connect it to virtual infrastructure in the cloud.

What can be connected?

  • L2 channel to an office or equipment in a data center;

  • dedicated Internet channel from a provider.

The external connection provides L2 connectivity between your physical infrastructure and a virtual network in K2 Cloud. Channel throughput is up to 10 Gbps.

Attache external network to a cloud#

To attach an external network to K2 Cloud, submit a request via the support portal or email it to support@k2.cloud. In the request, specify the physical equipment location, required throughput, and subnet or virtual switch to which you are going to attach an external network.

After processing the request, our engineers will contact you for additional information. The service is provided according to your service plan if there is a technical possibility.

Attachment/detachment of an external network#

After engineers connect your equipment to the cloud equipment, external networks will be available in the web interface. An external network can be attached to a subnet or virtual switch only if they are in the same availability zone as the company’s equipment.

To attach an external network to a subnet or virtual switch:

  1. Go to Interconnect section External networks.

  2. Click Attach.

  3. From the drop-down list in the opened window, select a subnet or virtual switch which you want to attach an external network to. You can use the VPC filter to narrow down the search.

  4. Click Attach to complete the operation.

You can detach the external network at any time by clicking Detach.