In this article:
Changes the alarm state.
Request Parameters#
Required parameters#
AlarmName — The name of the alarm.
Required: Yes
Type: String
Length constraints: from 1 to 255 symbols
StateReason — The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state.
Required: Yes
Type: String
Length constraints: from 1 to 1023 symbols
StateValue — The state in which the alarm should be switched.
Required: Yes
Type: String
Valid values:
Optional parameters#
StateReasonData — The description of the reason for switching of the alarm state (in JSON format).
Required: No
Type: String
Length constraints: from 0 to 4000 symbols
c2-cw SetAlarmState AlarmName <alarm_name> StateReason <state_reason> \
StateValue <state_value>
c2-cw SetAlarmState AlarmName <alarm_name> StateReason <state_reason> \
StateValue <state_value> StateReasonData <state_reason_data>