
May 24#


  • The IAM service now uses policies and groups instead of roles to assign permissions. Policies aggregate permissions for the actions which a user can perform in the cloud. The service allows you to use predefined policies or define you own ones. When you add or remove permissions to/from a policy, all users to whom the policy is assigned will gain or lose the corresponding privileges.

    Groups allow you to grant the same privileges to all group members at once. Group’s privileges are determined by policies assigned to the group. When added to a group, a user gets all the privileges that the group provides through its policies. When you modify the group privileges, the permissions are automatically changed for all its member users.

  • In Elastic IP section of the web interface, you can submit a request to K2 Cloud support team for registration of a custom IP address block.

  • The Elastic IP association dialog now offers a VPC selector to filter network interfaces and instances.