In this article:
The detailed description of a Direct Connect gateway association. This datatype is used as a response in the following methods:
allowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway — The list of the subnets allowed to be advertised via BGP to the user equipment.
Type: List of RouteFilterPrefix objects
Required: Yes
associatedGateway — Information about the associated transit gateway.
Type: AssociatedGateway object
Required: Yes
associationId — The ID of the Direct Connect gateway association.
Type: String
Required: Yes
associationState – The state of the Direct Connect gateway association.
Type: String
Required: Yes
Valid values:
directConnectGatewayId — The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
Type: String
Required: Yes
directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount — Проект, которому принадлежит шлюз выделенных соединений.
Type: String
Required: Yes