In this article:
Returns alarms for the specified metric.
Can also filter the period, statistic or units.
Request Parameters#
Required parameters#
MetricName — The name of the metric.
Required: Yes
Type: String
Length constraints: from 1 to 255 symbols
Namespace — The namespace of the metric..
Required: Yes
Type: String
Length constraints: from 1 to 255 symbols
Optional parameters#
Dimensions.member.N — The alarm dimensions (for details, see user documentation).
Required: No
Type: List of Dimension objects
Length constraints: from 0 to 10 items
Period — The alarm period.
Required: No
Type: Integer
Valid range: Value must be divisible by 60, minimum value is
Statistic — The statistic for the metric.
Required: No
Type: String
Valid values:
Response Elements#
MetricAlarms — List of alarms.
Type: List of MetricAlarm objects
c2-cw DescribeAlarmsForMetric MetricName <metric_name> Namespace <namespace>
c2-cw DescribeAlarmsForMetric MetricName <metric_name> Namespace <namespace> Period <period>
c2-cw DescribeAlarmsForMetric MetricName <metric_name> Namespace <namespace> \
Dimensions.member.1.Name "InstanceId" \
Dimensions.member.1.Value <instance_id>