
July 3#


  • Operations with route tables and transit gateway route tables are now checked by cloud so that they do not result in route loops.

July 7#


  • K2 Cloud has got a new Kubernetes cluster type – EKS cluster with dynamically scalable node groups. For EKS clusters, node groups are created separately and use Auto Scaling Group functionality. Each group can have its scaling policies.

    EKS cluster can be managed both from the web interface and using API. In case of API, you can use c2-eks utility and customized boto3 and botocore libraries.


  • DNS zones and resource records within them can be administered using Route53 API.

  • The GroupName and SecurityGroup.N parameters in API methods for managing security groups, as well as in RunInstances method, are no longer supported. You should use security group IDs in these methods to identify security groups.


  • In the Load Balancing service, a bug has been fixed, which could cause network balancers to return IP addresses of unavailable target resources.

  • Target resources in the Load balancing service can be created sequentially.

July 21#


  • In MySQL DBMS, Galera cluster parameters can now be set.

  • You can view the console output even if an instance is stopped.


  • The hostname is kept when an instance with a deployed Kubernetes node is rebooted.

  • The tag length is checked correctly when a tag is specified in the resource table.

  • The display of subnets has been changed in the Auto Scaling Group table.