
October 5#


  • Volume Snapshot for Persistent Volume in Kubernetes Clusters service can be created using cloud tools. The cloud saves completed snapshots and displays them in the respective section in the web interface.

  • The VPC dropdown in the Instances section is moved from the top panel to the filter area. You can display all VMs from the current project in the instance table or filter instances of a specific VPC.

  • Internet Explorer is no longer supported.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the user to get an empty instance list if it had a Windows VM.

October 22#


  • All PaaS services are aggregated in the new Services Store section in the web interface of the K2 Cloud. Here you can select a service from the desired category and launch it immediately. Data on already deployed services can be viewed in the Running Services section.

  • The Activity Log service now logs user actions when creating, modifying, or deleting projects, users, and roles in the IAM section. For a complete list of logged activities, see the documentation.

  • When creating a Kubernetes cluster, at the Parameters step, you can specify the subnet addresses where the pods and services deployed in the cluster will be located.

  • The name of the Kubernetes cluster being created is checked for uniqueness.


  • The PodSubnetCidr and ServiceSubnetCidr parameters are added to the CreateCluster method to specify subnet addresses for pods and services.


  • Switching to a deleted instance page does not cause an error.

  • The VPN connection table is updated correctly if a connection is being created at this moment.

  • A link to the service subscription is added to the Reports subsection of the Event Log section.

  • Suppose during authorization in the cloud console, the required data about the volume types used cannot be obtained, e.g. due to connection problems. In that case, the login is not permitted, and an error message is displayed.